Portfolio Spotlight
Healthcare 411 es una serie de podcasts de audio producidas por la Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ, por sus siglas en ingl�s), parte del U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. La misi�n de AHRQ es la de mejorar la calidad, seguridad, eficiencia y efectividad de la atenci�n m�dica de todos los estadounidenses.
| Joint venture with MediaForce PR and AHRQ |
| Strategic planning |
| Web site design and development |
| Weekly program launches |
| On-going site maintenance |
| Flash design elements |
| Audio and video site content |
| RSS feeds |
| Dynamically driven page content, updated by the client |
| Developed using the Microsoft .NET framework and technologies |
| Complete Spanish language version of its sister site, Healthcare 411 |
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