Strategic alliances enable organizations whose skills and expertise compliment each other to join together, combine their strengths and deliver superior solutions.
We are proud partners with the following firms. The result has been a true synergy that provides our clients with comprehensive business, marketing and technology solutions.
Fairfield Technologies delivers leading-edge information technology and management consulting solutions, supporting critical government and commercial projects in the areas of physical and life sciences, defense, telecommunications, e-business and financial services.
Forest Ridge Technologies partners with Fairfield Technologies on Web development, eMarketing and software engineering projects.
MediaForce PR teams government agencies with non-profit organizations, the media and corporations to distribute public service messages on health care, the environment, crime prevention, food safety, education disaster relief and more.
Forest Ridge Technologies provides Web application and development services to MediaForce and their clients throughout the entire project life cycle.
Absolute Business Computers and Networking offers over 15 years of experience, providing complete end-to-end computer, network, and office productivity solutions for small and medium-size businesses throughout South Florida.
Forest Ridge Technologies is a Web design partner for Absolute Business Computers and Networking.
Twig Dzine is a partnership whose experience, expertise and award winning graphic design spans 15 years.
Forest Ridge Technologies provides Twig Dzine with technical expertise in the areas of Web development and office productivity solutions.